New Lab Info

🔬 Hey everyone! Dr. Cassie Smith, MD, here from Modern Endocrine, and I've got some exciting news in the world of healthcare.

Starting January 1st, I'm making a change that I believe will transform how we approach lab tests. I've grown frustrated with insurance companies dictating the care I provide and the financial strain it puts on you, the patient. In this video, I'm going to share why insurance denials for lab tests have been increasing and how it affects both you and me. More importantly, I'll introduce a game-changing solution that gives you the power to take control of your healthcare costs.

I've partnered with a leading lab, DLo, to offer you lower prices when you choose the cash-pay option. No more insurance headaches, no unexpected bills. I want to be transparent about the costs upfront, so you know exactly what to expect. Join me as I explain the benefits of this new approach, including financial transparency, reduced burdens, and the flexibility to submit claims to insurance independently.

If you're tired of dealing with insurance complexities and want a straightforward, cost-effective solution for your lab tests, this video is for you! Ready to take control of your healthcare costs? Watch the video, get informed, and let's embrace the future of healthcare together!

Lab Pricing